Rat Brain Dopaminergic PET

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Rat Brain Dopaminergic PET

The Multichannel Segmentation architecture is designed to be used in new applications. It was initially tested for the 4 input series, 3 segment output MICCAI BraTS example case, and was successfully reapplied for segmentation of striatum and cerebellum in rat brain dopaminergic PET. The process of preparing the data to reapply the architecture, the training, and the evaluation of the outcome is described in this case study.


Example data to test the Rat Brain Dopaminergic PET model is available in our Demo database (Subject PAI5). The data used for the entire case study was kindly provided by Prof. Kristina Herfert at the Werner Siemens Imaging Center at the University of Tuebingen in Germany.  


To try the model for yourself we recommend use of the Segment tool (PSEG). Select the early average series as Input series. The late average series will be detected automatically according to the Association mechanism. The model selection must be Rat Brain Dopaminergic PET (Multichannel Segmentation). The model was trained with 3D data so no Split Slices/Frames is available or required. The resulting VOIs can be saved and used to extract TACs from the Inveon dynamic PET series (e.g. standalone analysis in View, or multimodal analysis combined with t2_tse3d anatomical reference MR in Fusion). Note that the PET data has already been coregistered to the MR including reslicing. The data used in this case study was all from Siemens Inveon PET and for tracers labeled with C-11 - the performance of the model may vary for data from different hardware and/or with different tracers.