PAI Introduction

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PAI Introduction

Computer algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become a success story and are now part of daily life. Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI in which humans provide the input data and expected results, and the computer determines “rules” with which it can process the data to approach the expected results. These “rules” may be considered as representations of the data. Deep Learning (DL) is considered a further subset of ML, in which there are successive layers of representations. ML methods have resulted in solutions ranging from facial recognition to web-based language translation. They have also been applied in many domains of biomedical research. However, the setup and use of ML toolkits is a task requiring a lot of methodological insight as well as specialized IT expertise.  

The aim of PAI is to drastically lower the entry barrier to the ML methodology for researchers analyzing biomedical images. PAI is designed as a framework, allowing users to develop their own tailored ML-based image segmentation solution while working entirely within the familiar PMOD environment.